African American Genealogical Society of Milwaukee

Collage thru the years

OH was held at Villard Square Milwaukee Library on October 21. 1st OH since 2019.

Collage thru the years
About Us
Welcome to the website for the African American Genealogical Society of Milwaukee (AAGSOM) Wisconsin.
AAGSOM is a non-profit organization committed to the preservation of the history and culture of our African American Ancestors.
AAGSOM stresses the importance of African American history and genealogy by encouraging research, recording, and documenting personal family histories, and to encourage the preservation of records within families and the community.
Our monthly meetings and education sessions are in-person and virtual. We meet monthly, (except during July and August) every third Saturday from 1:30-3:30 P.M. at the Villard Square Milwaukee Public Library located at 5190 N. 35th Street. To join us virtually, select the Zoom Request Form.
This is an opportunity to hear occasional speakers, members share interesting stories, learn helpful hints on research techniques and share ideas. The meeting is open to the public. Go to Events for additional meeting information.
We hope you will come back to visit this site often, as we plan to update it with up-coming events, and new discoveries in genealogical research.
Our Organization

Term expires December 2026
Vice President:
Term Expires December 2025
Treasurer & Financial Secretary:
Term expires December 2026
Recording & Correspondence Secretary:
Chuck Powell
Term Expires December 2025
Member at Large:
Cheryl Randall
Term Expires December 2026
Member at Large:
Brenda Thompson
Term Expires December 2025
Archives Committee sets up and maintains an archive for the Society to maintain records of Society activities.
Budget Committee shall establish a financial plan for the Society revenues, and expenditures.
Communications Committee shall be responsible for publications of the Society, social media, Website, Facebook, press releases, Newsletter Editor and any other communications as required by the Society.
Election Committee shall be instituted four months prior to an election and proceed pursuant to Society bylaws.
Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers and two members at large. The President chairs this committee. The committee acts on behalf of the members as outlined in the bylaws.
Genealogical Research & Training Committee shall establish workshops for the Society members to aid and enhance their ability to conduct genealogical research, notify members of local, state, or national learning opportunities for training through webinars, workshops, and conferences. Encourage members to follow genealogical practice standards according to those established by the National Genealogical Society and the Board for Certification of Genealogists.
Membership/Fellowship Committee shall welcome all new members; inform the Society of illness and other emergency needs of the Society members. Organize annual Open House, assist with other events, and explain privileges and obligations of membership.